Leavers and Starters!

We are pleased to announce that we have appointed two new staff to start at the end of July and beginning of August.

After almost 10 years of service we are sorry to see Suzy Ackroyd leave as Office Manager. Suzy is leaving us on 31st July to get married and will be moving away from Nottingham. We wish her all the very best in her new life. Louise Norman, who joins us on 27th July, will have the task taking the baton from Suzy and with a wealth of office management experience we are certain that she will get to grips with the post in no time at all.

Also, following Lucy Davis’ departure from the Commercial Property Department, we welcome Mandeep Kaur, who will be joining us on 3rd August to work closely with Russell Thompson, Director of Commercial.

We wish them both long and happy careers at Massers.